Body Acne causes and treatment


                                          Body Acne and Treatment

It might be the stress of the pandemic or the fact that we're headed into summer, and we want to show a little bit more skin. But people are sick of dealing with the bumps on their chest and back and shoulders and butt.  I'm going to go into my favorite tips and tricks for controlling body acne and also give some product recommendations.

I'm here to help you understand your skin and find products that work for you and what causes body acne. It's not that different than facial acne you have a pore that gets clogged. There's oil stimulation usually driven by hormones and also genetic factors. Then acne-causing bacteria come in and create inflammation. The same is what happens on the face the big difference is that the oil glands on our back are denser, and they can be larger. So, the bumps can be more intense and bigger and have more potential for scarring the other type of body bump that tend to see on the chest and back shoulders and the butt more than anything is something called folliculitis.

Folliculitis means inflammation of the hair follicle that can be caused by friction it can be due to bacteria or yeast or fungal organisms getting into the hair follicle and causing inflammation and the tricky thing is acne. 

Friction from clothing like tight-fitting clothing rubbing on the body is going to make your hair follicles more likely to clog up. Which is sort of the first step in driving acne.

  • The same goes for like tight-fitting leggings or wearing a backpack. 
  • Lying down on a yoga mat.
  • All of those things increase friction and friction drives acne.
  • Don't sit around in your sweaty workout clothes all day. 
Once you've made these good habits it is so much easier to maintain clear skin. All right so let's get into some of the things which are like, 

The products the ingredients that help with body acne 

And best use these products because a lot of times people have all of the right stuff on their shelf, they're just using it improperly. 

Benzoyl peroxide

First up is the ingredient benzoyl peroxide if you have ever seen a doctor about acne, they have probably recommended a product with benzoyl peroxide.

It helps with oil control it is anti-inflammatory and it is antimicrobial. It helps kill acne-causing bacteria, way to incorporate benzoyl peroxide into a body acne routine is in the form of a body wash. Body washes over a sort of like leaving on preparations of benzoyl peroxide for a few different reasons one benzoyl peroxide has this very annoying thing that it does which is that it bleaches fabrics like towels or sheets or clothing so you're much less likely to have residual benzoyl peroxide.


If you're going to invest in something in one of those another category of ingredients that can be helpful for body acne is retinoids. Retinoids are vitamin-derived molecules that make cell turnover more regular, so they make pores less likely to clog.


Adapalene is that it can help fade post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. A lot of times people have broken out their acne is healed but they're left with this little footprint a little dark mark because they help with cell turnover, and they also can inhibit a little bit of pigment synthesis. If you get improvement in dark marks and brightening over time you can use it consistently.

Salicylic acid

Another helpful ingredient that can help fight acne is salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid and works by diving into the pores breaking up oil and dead skin cells. Helping with exfoliation it's pretty gentle and mild, especially in the form of a body wash. 

Inky list and Neutrogena both make a nice 2 percent salicylic acid cleanser the other type of salicylic acid product. 

I hope this helps you. Thank you😍


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