Seed Cycling periods, pcos, pcod, hormonal Imbalance etc.

Seed Cycling periods, PCOS, PCOD, hormonal Imbalance etc.

 I'm going to explain what seed cycling is and how it works and how to follow it.

So let's get started by knowing what it is seed cycling

It's basically a diet to balance hormones and boost fertility. Basically, it makes those period problems disappear and gets your cycle back on track. It can benefit a woman at any stage no matter if you're suffering with pcos pcod pbcs, which is post birth control syndrome, vms painful menstruation, irregular periods etc.

How it works

I'm taking a menstrual cycle of 28 days for reference. Day one of your cycle will be the first day your period begins now day one to day 14 is known as the follicular phase, during this phase body's estrogen level increases and the egg releases on the 14th day.

So during these 14 days, you're required to have one tablespoon each of ground flax seeds and raw pumpkin seeds. These seeds help balance estrogen levels in your body and don't let estrogen dominance happen. The seeds also have essential fatty acids zinc and selenium, which help balance hormones.

Now day 15 then the late 28th or the day when the next period is starting is known as the luteal phase. The body prepares for pregnancy and after the egg is not fertilized you get your period.

So from day 15, you need to eat one tablespoon each of ground sesame seeds and raw sunflower seeds. These seeds balance the progesterone hormone in your body which is responsible for bloating mood swings insomnia etc.

How it helps

This diet basically balances estrogen and progesterone levels with the help of phytonutrients zinc selenium and vitamin E present in these seeds. Basically, these seeds contain specific vitamins nutrients and fatty acids that are believed to support hormonal function.

These seeds also provide you with plant-based fiber and proteins hence natural and safe.

In the end, I'm sharing a few ideas on how to take these seeds these seeds have to be raw and preferably organic. If you can't ground them fresh then sprinkle them on salads or on oatmeal or make energy bites cookies nut butter or add them to your smoothies. Simply incorporate them into your daily life in whichever way you like.

Now I'll clarify a few queries

  • Now I'll clarify a few queries that you might have like with sesame seeds take black or white? The answer is any you may either take black or white but just to let you know that black has more calcium than white so the choice is yours.
  • Whether the seeds have to be raw or ground the answer is whole seeds won't break down completely in your gut so grinding them enables your body to extract more nutrients.
  • From the seeds, the third question is does it matter if you eat them together or separately no it doesn't matter whether you eat them together or separately.

Lastly, I'll just share a simple way to keep them grind two weeks' worth of pumpkin and flax seeds and store them sealed in the fridge to maintain freshness. Consume two tablespoons of these seeds each day and on the day of ovulation do the same with the other two seeds.

Remember the changes in your body won't happen in a month you will have to follow this process for a few months to see some good positive results. Also, be on a healthy diet and exercise regularly to keep your metabolism up and running.

Follow seed cycling as it's an incredible tool for better health.

Stay healthy and happy.


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